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DAISY DEANE PARADEE Pocomoke City, Md. Philomathean Literary Society. From the wonderful city of Pocomoke came Daisy Deane Paradee, in the fall of 190r. Her knowledge of Latin was something stunning when she joined us in our Sophomore year. Inher "Soph", and Junior years, she was known to be "that quiet diginfied girl with curly hair," but, after rooming with Marianna a wonderful change took place, and she became one of the gayest of the gay. Of all the tempting(?) dishes served at Western Maryland, Daisy's favorite is scrapple. One day as she was eating some she found a prize (?), which she has kept as a priceless treasure. Daisy is noted for having wonderful dreams during "exam" week. By the way, her favorite study is English (? ? ? ?). The morning of the English exarn., "Marianna announced at the breakfast table that Daisy had had a dream. It was judgement day, people were moaning and crying, but Daisy was clapping her hands and saying: "Oh, I am so glad, for now I won't have to take my English exam." Unconsciously Daisy says the funniest things at the table till we almost die of laughing, but she looks at us in amazement, for she never sees the point. NELLIE ADELE SELLMAN Baltimore, Md. Browning Literary Society. Nellie Adele Sellman, one of the most popular girls in the Senior class, comes from Baltimore, Md. And right proud she is too of her native city. Nell came in the class in the Freshman year. Such an enterprising, active member she has proved! She just attracts everybody right to her. She can't help it, though, it's her magnetism. Nell has such beautiful, abundant Titian hair, to which she constantly calls attention for the admiring comments which it always brings forth. Her favorite role is posing as Falstaff, and truly she is as good in her way as the original character portrayed by Shakespeare. She is President of the "Senior Spotted Club"; a very select club, allowing only three members. She is one of the most famous members of the Senior Quartette. When she sings, the notes gush from her lips like so many rounded pearls. She has usually a most saintly disposition, being proved by the fact that she and her good room mate are still friends. Nellis forever and eternally taking "sittings on" when none are meant, using up most valuable time in explaining away the erroneous impression. She is very partial to moons and stars. Has spent one whole summer studying one star, and knows where there's a moon that shines for her and one other alone. Was that days or years ago Nell? Nellie's guaranteed to bring the bash- fulness out of anyone, such persons being her lawful prey. She's the biggest spooner in college, even breaks the record of the two sistera, She has admirers galore. It's her magnetism. She claims to be Irish, direct descendant of an English lord. She cannot be outdone in politeness. She's a general favor- ite, in short she's a sweet little lrish(?) rose. 43
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