Page 37 - YB1904
P. 37
[LA OfJ904 foreword. 4 D Fwe may accept the definition of one who has contributed much toward the making of history. "History But he who writes a class history is not in so fortunate a position. What he says is fiction agreed upon." To see ourselves as others see us, would be, we believe, the great- may not be, and often is not, agreed upon. est misfortune which could befall the majority of mankind. For "When ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise' Not in any critical sense Yet your historian is called upon "to show up" the members of the Class of 1904. to judge, but to offer for your consideration the record each has made as inscribed in the memory of his classmates, is the writers conception of a duty which gives him much pleasure. 33
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