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Salutatory. Ir.t~~~~~~o Students, Alumni and Friends, greetings from the Class of 1904. We, too, have become .seniors. We, too, have produced an Aloha. Herein you may find among other things, the history, the char- acteristics and the prophecy of each member of the class. That Western Maryland is proud of her graduates is but the result of her belief in herself. That she looks with increasing pride upon every succeeding class is but the result of her belief in her increas- ~~~==~~:!J ing usefulness and power in bringing out the very best in young men and women. As the builder in wood and stone attains a degree of perfection commensurate with his experience, so our college, builder of men- must turn out a product increasing in excellence of w~rkmanship with increasing experience with the tools and materials of work. Western Maryland's latest production is the Class of 1904, which therefore (But we're not a bit conceited over it), must be also her greatest production. To deny this fact would be to deny the growth of the College itself. Then may we not in reason hope for the members of 1904 a degree of success surpassing that of any former class? For an answer to this question, turn now to the history and the characteristics; for psychologists tell us that the thoughts habits and character of youth are those of the entire life. Do we find in the records and in the characteristics of the members of the Class of 1904 the elements of success or of failure? Do we find there a justification of the successful and happy futures so beautifully pictured by our prophetess, or are they but the reflection of her good wishes and not of her good judgment? Read and decide for yourself. Beneath the fun and good humor, may be found many a grain of truth. But whatever our history, it is written, whatever our future, time alone can reveal it. We are concerned now only \ with the present, animated now with but one purpose, to give you pleasure. If after the perusal of our book you feel that your time has not been wasted, our purpose will have been accomplished. We most heartily welcome you, then. to the following pages devoted to the past, present and future of the members of the Class of 1904. 30
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