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The Hostess System. What the Boys Think of It. After Luncheon. Room.-G. L. White's. Personages.-Senior Boys. Alkie.-"Well, what in the hakes do you think of this? Doc's always doing something foolish." Boose.-"Ha, ha, Alkie is on his ear already. Alkie, the girls won't hurt you, don't fear." Alkie.-"That's all right, Alkie will hoe his own row and let others do the same." Bucky.-"Yes, let 'em come, I'm ready for them. I will be far enough from the hosess, for I will be at the head of the table." Shammie.-"Oh yes, you can crow; but I will be down right next to the hostess, and will have to keep my collar and cuffs clean all the time, and can't let the curls get out of my hair." Ellie.-"Well, look here boys, I move we kick." G. L.-"Yes, I do too." Paul.-"No, if they are foolish enough to do it let them go. They will be sorry enough before long." Ben.-"Yes, Paul, but maybe they are doing it against their will. Maybe Doc made them do it." Alkie.-"Welllet us wait and see if they were made to do it, and then kick." Levin.-"Well I don't see any reason why we shouldn't have the dining room as we want it. We pay enough board and get little enough to eat, and if we can't have the convenience which cost nothing-then I don't know." Ellie.-"Ah, don't you think it won't pay. The boys won't eat half as much. Doc. knew what he was about when he made this arrangement." Shammie.-From the corner-"I wish they would have the Junior's as hostesses." Bucky (in a loud voice).-"I wish so too." Boose.-"Paul do you wish so three?" Paul goes up. 184
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