Page 184 - YB1904
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"All."-"Keep quiet." "Ellie."-"You boys don't seem to realize the solemnity of this occasion. This is a time of aw~ulmoment, What I was going to say was, that it is not necessary for us to vote on this question for it is already settled. Now in the first place, it is a custom of many years standing for the Senior Class to go to Pen Mar. Every class is sup- posed to take advantage of the opportunity, both because it is a privilege to be appreciated and because it is a fitting beginning for the Senior dignity. And not only that, but when, 'mirabile dictu,' the faculty is so kind as to grant us this privilege, it would be an everlasting insult to their generosity to refuse to accept their klndness," "Simp."-"Oh, what generosity, what philanthropy, there may be hope for them yet." "G. L."-"Don't you think it, they will send two teachers along with us, and then take their expenses out of our caution money." "Lev."-"I thought there was something wrong." "E11ie."-"In the second place, some of the girls have already declared their intention of goi~g and they will go whether we do or not, and those who don't intend to go won't be influenced by our decision." "Shammy."-"That's right, they will do what they please any way, they always do in spite of us." "Boose."-"Yes I've been looking for them to hold a class meeting and decide not to permit the boys to go at all." "Lev."-"They would, only they expect us to foot their bills for them." "Simp."-"Woe be to the minority when females compose the majority." "EHie."-"Now if some of the girls do go, we can't stay at home and permit them to make that trip alone, for we don't know what might happen to them. Weare duty bound as loyal classmates, nay even as chivalrous gentlemen, to go with them and protect them from the dangers of the way. Think what everlasting disgrace would ever be upon the fair name of '04 if her fair maidens were to come to harm, while her gallant(?) sons remained at home in ease and safety." "Paul."-"I will just have to go." "Bucky."-"Sure and take care of Marie." "Alkie."-"Well, Bucky, be sure you don't offer your help too much." "Bucky."-"Oh go shoot yourself." "G. L."-"Is there any more discussion?" 180
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