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P. 185
"Shammy."-"Mr. President I would like to know what teachers are going with us?" "G. L."-"Miss Scott and Prof. Sampaix." "Alkie:"-"Oh the Hex, why didn't they give us Dr. Rich and Miss Cochran, then we could have a fine time, for they would soon lose us." "Ben." -"Oh, that's all right, it will keep MissScott busy looking after Sam. She won't have time to fool with us." "Lev."-"I hope he takes a shave before he goes." "Simp."-"Some of you fellows want to get them away off so Elsie and I can dance some together." "Shammy."-"Somebody, lookout the window at the weather, maybe it will rain and we won't have to go." "Becky," (Goes to window and looking out, exclaims)-"No such luck, the sky is clear and stars are shining." "Ellie."-"I move we beseech Jupiter Pluvius to send us rain." "Boose."-"I move we derail the train at the coal chutes." "Simp."-"Let's all miss the train by accident." "Ben."-"That's the stuff, just come running to the station as the train pulls out." "Bucky."-"Of course we'll be awfully sorry." "Alkie." -"Yes indeed, just prostrated." "Pau1."-"And think of the poor girls." "Ellie."-"Don't say any more, the very thought brings tears to my eyes." "G. L."-"Here boys, this is shameful, it will be a disgrace to our class to act this way. Now let's vote on this question and decide to go. Of course no one will be compelled to go, but let's not have it said that we as a class decided that we would not go." . "Ellie." -" Amen." "G. L."-"Are you .ready for the question?" "All:' - "Question." . "G. L."-"All in favor of going say'!' (a few grunts are heard). All opposed say 'No.''' (a few more grunts are heard.) Motion is carried." "Paul."-"Good night, I've got to shine my shoes." "Bucky."-"And I've got to shave." ยท'Ellie."-"1've got to find some money somewhere." "All."-Hurrah for Pen Mar." "Alkie."-"Everybody pray for rain." (All leave the room and begin preparations for the next day.) Finis.
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