Page 193 - YB1903
P. 193
spellin'-match-the thrials to spell Quirauk being immensely ridiculous. When we got to Ch rokuirauchs we quit an' raytm-ned to Pin Mar. Thin we wandhered r-ound till tlu-ain toimc and fin'ly rayturncd. "Vis, Hinnissy, we had a foine toime, an' I have only wan faul t to find wid that day at Pin Mar. 'Twas too short be long odds. All pleasant days are that way. Ye don't have the toime to get tired iv them. So wid the exciption iv tbe earty arrival iv avenin' an' the ravturn thrip, QUI' little jaunt to Pin Mar was very injyable indade. l'Il never forget it mesilf an' 1 know the bhoys that ran to catch the rhrain will raymcmbcr it even longer. Which sounds odd but is thrue.!' "Here me pipe's gone out while I've been liatenin ' to y's instructive discourse. I'll have to get me some more tobaccv." "'Tis on me, Hirmissy. Thry a Dewey scegar wid a Manilla wrapper." - - 183 - -
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