Page 191 - YB1903
P. 191
"But to rayturn to the foive that was lift behind. As me Frind Casey says, he's a foine English scholar, d'ye mind, they onexpcctcdly missed their cogitation. So they stood round wid their hands in their pockets, looked out iv the windows, spit on the platform an' cogitated agin. ," I hoy an idea,' says WOI1, • Let's go be the ni x t thrain.' v- Iv course,' says another, 'I wax jist gain' to spring that 011 the crowd mcsilf 'Tis a foinc idee. Let's go be the nixt thraiu.' ", But it don't stop here,' another says. "r Ttiat's so !' "The fifth bhoy was whistlin' 'Bring back my Bonnie to me,' an' he says naw thin'. "What did thcv do?" asked Mr. Hinnissy. "Well, they wa.s a jaynius -vid them, an' he sidestepped the prospect an' landed a foinc blow. 'Yc sec,' he says, 'here we are,' he says, 'an' there they ar-t-c.' 'Now,' he says, 'as a straight loiue is the shortest distance bet-vane two points, we'll have to do something straightway.' '" Volesee,' they says, nudgin' wan another to get a look at him. ," So, SilH.'Cthe thruin's gone, the ni x t bist thing to do,' he says, . is to chase down to the coal chutes an' catch the nix t; thrain,' which was a through express an stopped at the nourishing met-opolis iv the coal chutes but wint whizzjn' through westminster. "They only had a mile an' a hnlfto go wid jist sivin rninyits to do it in, an' be hivins they brnk the r-rccord. They bust the buttons off their vest, they melted their hig h.stnndin'collars ansbiuin' cuffs, an' got dust on their patent leathers. Be St. Patrick, but that little dash tuk the crease out iv their trousers! They was runnin' along jist as fast as they could, blowin' loike whales an' waviu' from side to side Ioikc inebriates, whin they met the thrain pullin ' out IV the coal chutes. "Wid yills iv despair they ran down the bank to climb on, whin Medders salaamed to Fate an' tell race down on the ground. He niver squeaked wanst, 'twas so sodchnt, an' the thrnin stopped to pick him up f'r they thought he was a corpse. He wasn't did but as 'twas, he had rayccived a knock on the hid that rnjycecl him to unconsciousncss-vtwacl be impolite as well as un tlu-ue to say it knocked 1;111the since outivhim. The ladies on the thrain all tuk quitc an interest in the poor bhoy. 'Wan man less in thcworuld,'- an' they almost wept w hin they saw how cruel a blow destiny had almost dealt the earth. The bhoys - 181 - -
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