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that wasn't. bit on the hid made thimsilves comfortable an' agreeable, an' be the toime the Blue Mountain reached Pin Mar iv'rything was allroight agin, Thin arrn-in-arrn, the Docthor an' Miss - set tin' the pace, we investhiga.tccl Pin MaL "'Tis quite an ntthracti vc place, no twithatandin' all that cud be said to the contbrary. They is a dance hall, a brass band an' a merry-go-round. The ct-aruc or Maryland often stops there-in the milk- cars. An' the scenery is magnificent. Wan place yc climb up to the top iv a spidery buildin' atop iv a big rock an' look over into Pcnusylvany. Thecounthr-y looks like a miniature flower garden, 'tis so small and laid off so nate an' regular. Ye can breathe the pure ozone up there, an' the people nivcr heard iv Battle Creek, Michigan. "We was lettin' our eyes rest wid pleasure on the serene an' sublime grandeur iv the landscape whin we noticed that the Docthor and Miss - was missin': Now, we had been told be the Prieideut iv the college to kapc an eye to thim an' not let them elope, an' we tlu-ied to do our duty. hut 'twas no nsc. 'Twas loikc followin' a will-et-the-wisp through a bog. V.,refin'ly came round be the dance hall agin-they had hurried us 011 by before-an' there we met them e0111in' away, .. Hinnissy. the}' say 'tis H or-rime to dance in the eyes of the juke iv wjstrninster, an' if iver man looked guilty 'twas the Docthor. They wus S0111epowdher 011 the lift side iv his coat above his manly hear-t, an' his mustache was twisted awry. I says to him while the gyurls was capturiu' 1\1iss-, -Docthor, ar-re ye fond iv danein'?' He grins-'tis a habit iv his to grin-an' he says, 'I am; but I re- frain 1'1"'111 indulgiu' here f'r the sake iv example.' '" Phat noble moderation,' I says undher me breath, Pi" the Docthor is a very shy, modest man an' praise breaks hi111all up. "Pin Mar has two things that arc of hivin.c-scats an' shade, The seats are undher the shade. That's the advantage iv gain' to a rcsor-rt loike Pin Mar. Whin ye arc tired danciu' yc can sit down undhcr the shade an' listen to the band; whin ye arc tired iv that ye take a walk. The Docthor saw the seats the first thing, an' prisintly he an' 1\1is5 - wiut ovcr ul1clher thc threes 3n' sat down. "Thin some i\' the Seniors danced an' the teachcl'S nivcr noticed at all, they was so intercsted in the scenery, But they was SOOI1rudely disthurbec1, Pr we hired carriagcs an' drove rOl1nd to the Blue 1.10un- tain HOllse, where we saw a nigger coachman an'some geraniums, and to Quirauk, where we had a - 182 - -
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