Page 181 - YB1903
P. 181
ACHILLES.-O Darn-c-O Damocles! the sword of fate Was not like this. This quite bests me. Odzooks! Egad and edcpol-c-mehercle-c-s wounds ! Tibi insanuat 111('I1S! THIIW SENIQR.-Rull for your lives! For like an nngry god He stamps upon the stairs and paints the air With azure eloquence, Bar, bar the door. Cuoeus.c-Thc Faculty STROPHE. How mystic, how immutable the doom The Parce give! For if it's bid him seek the hollow tomb Or blessed live, Man, lcchle man, fulfilfs the blind decree, Kings, pr-inces, paladins and gods are fain To follow in thy train o cruel car of Pate=yea, even we, The peerless Facultce, Deep-thundering and potent though we be, Are subject to thy sceptre and thy reign. ANTISĀ·I'ROPHE. Thy power has been fearfully revealed To us but now: This dauntless champion, with bosom steeled And haughty brow, - - 171 - -
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