Page 180 - YB1903
P. 180
CHORUS.-Thc Faculty. STROJ)HE. who was it that the voice oracular Spoke forth the sport of fate? Ere through the sky descends Apollo's car, Flashing all roseate. He meets his doom. But can he not elude The Eumenides, although their clutch be rude, And known to them each desert solitude? He doth 110tshrink. His spirit bids him dare The future. He is brave Enongh to lay aside each trembling; No more to fear a sla ve. He stands alone and mighty in his mood, He seeks his fate, 110r in some solitude Strives the pursuit of Fortune to elude. EPISODE 13. FIRST SEN[O!~.-Lo! he comes. Heroic in his stride He mounts the stairs. Be ready! Yo, heave ho ! SECOND SEN[Q(L-Ay, ay, sir! 170 - -
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