Page 84 - YB1902
P. 84
Cove Poi Ill, Md. "S""ech is'h"g'old~n harves, tha, foltow~llfter ,he !lowering or t.ho"!:hL."-Tuppu. A slender, delicate-Iookiug youth, with a couutennnce of the most seraphic iunocence, nnrl II "smile that is child-like aud bland." It is said that a certain old lady once mistook hiiu for au angel, but she didn't know hill! as we do. This sallie angelic youth is something of II contortionist IItHI before a select aurli- ence of collegians that serro.phic countenance has often been seen ~o assume the most outlandish shapes. 011e of" Giddv'e ' favorite osumts ' is a monkey-face. This seems to come natural to him lind is considered II conducing proof of the Darwini!ln Theory. WADE HA~IPTON lNSLEY, Bivalve, lI1d. "For hi. ',,'oe wll~sh!
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