Page 211 - YB1902
P. 211
JESSIE.-Girls, Marie told me to-day that Emma heard that Fannie said that Edith Kimmell said that Helen Mullinix had heard that :\II iss Schott had said that if we beat IVI. A. C. we might possibly get" Parlor" for a little while; but, girls, please don't tell anybody, for they are keeping it a secret. :'VIABEL.-Oh, Mr. Webster, what is the price of" these onions? InELLA.-You don't want any onions, Mabel. for you breath will smell bad for a week. MAIlEL.-I don't care if it does, for I tee! like 1 could eat a bushel, and, besides, I have some cologne in my room, and that will kill the smell. JESSIE.-Oh, bliss, here comes Eddie. 1 knew he would come down town when he saw ns coming. InELLA.-Jessie, you soft-headed thing, come hack frOI11 the door, for he will sec you anyhow, and you wil! be sure to get a smile, without breaking your neck for it. JESSIE.-.Mr. Webster, what are those two eggs doing there by them- selves? Rotten, you say, that is ttwjoo bad. (There was great applause by the other girls over this original (7) joke.) iVrABEL.-Aren't my onions ready yet? Ten cents (or that many, you sav P WI1\' r onlv wanted three cents' worth, but as YOU have them alreadv wrapped ~IP 1 \\;i11 take them, if you will let rue ha~e them for five cent~. Oh, I wish I had bought some of those sour balls instead of these onions, but if you will buy some of those,jessie, I. will give you S0111eof Illy onions. ETHEL ~1.-Gir1s, r think we have bought enough, tor we don't want to buy everything he has got, and you see we have eaten about a pound of cakes out of that box while we were standing here talking, IDELLA.-Well, he ought not to object to that, for he has made enough profit 011 our purchases to 1110re than pay for those cakes. lVIABEL.-\\'ell, I declare, I can't get this pocket-book open; now what am I going to cia, I know yOli girls haven't any to lend me until I get up to the College, so you will have to put these onions back until I come down town next week. Then they left. having been exactly twenty-seven minutes making twelve cents' worth of purchases, and having eaten ten cents' worth of cakes from a nearby box. 189
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