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;q Junior Conversation, as Overheard By a HSenior." " If' If' HE other day we were going down town and we stopped in Mr. webster's store, and .You know NIL Webster has an ice cream parlor in the rear, and so we went back there and ordered some cream. Presently five of the Junior girls came in the store, and I am sure you all know that Junior class. \Vell! if you don't, you may consider your- sclffortuI1ate. The following conversation was jotted (\O\V11 by ouc who overheard it, and its authentic), can he vouched for by several others: IDELLA.-:Vfr.Webster, have you got any peanuts? Are you sure they are fresh? Give me a handful and let me taste them. Yes, I guess they will pass. Well, give me two cents' worth, anyhow: you ought to throw in a few ofthose nicknacks for good measure. ETHEL M.-What did you think of those Senior boys last night, in chapel? Next year, lfClifford and 1 still have a strike, and he looks as con- ceited as those Seniors did last night, 1 won't even smile at him, and I bet that will take the conceit out of him. IDELLA.-I don't blame you, and 1 won't smile at Dick, either, if he gets such a swell head. i.\Lu)EL.-I don't think Hubert looked so conceited, for he is naturally dignified, and T am going to keep on smiling at him, as long as 1 can't get anyone else. ETHEL T.-Yotlought to be ashamed of yourself, talking about Hubert like that; why T wouldn't think of talking about Scott in that manner.end suppose Hubert should hear you say that, what would he say? (And he did overhear the remarks, but what he said had best be left unprin ted.} MABEL.-By the way, girls, did r tell you that last year when Hubert wrote me that he was coming to see me, mamma told me that if he didn't put on long pants before he came down that she would sew ruffles on his pants, and don't you know he put on long pants that week? (At this point, an over-hearer again blushed.) 188
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