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,. ,. ,. "I1ND one other word must be noted for its exquisite beauty both of sound and sense, it is ALOHA. Could any syllable breathe 1110re delicious music or suggest more tender significance? And just what it sounds like it means-Aloha. ... ... .. .. ... It is a greet- ing and a farewell; it expresses the feeling of the heart whether that be the ordinary courtesy of hospitality or the tender sympathy of personal affec. tion. .. .. .. And no one could fail to respect the word that adapted itself to so many uses and did so much downright hard work." Friends, this is the 1902 ALOHAof Western xl arylaud College. With the advent of this volume the class of 1902 makes its bow, steps down fr0111the stage of college work and joins the long procession once known as students, now remembered as graduates. As a fitting reminder of our college days we now present to you our class book. and in doing so we have endeavored to put into your hands the most interesting edition of annuals ever published by the students of W. 1\1. C. We do not claim for OUI" ALOHA any extraordinarv excellence. for we can realize its imperfections; but we -do claim your indulgence, gentle readers, for we can ask you to remember that it is published by college students and not by experienced editors. Our onlv aim is to offer the ALOIIA as a token of our many happy col- lege hours, "and to bind firml v together past memories of those fleeting moments now so dear to us all. If it shall serve this purpose its mission will be fulfilled. \Ve trust this memor-ial of the 1902 Class may be read with pleasure and satisfaction by e\·ery student, alumnus and friend of Western Mary, land. We wish here to publicly thank fill who have in an ....manner assisted us. And special mention must be rnnde of our artists, xtcssrs. Weeks, Saulsbury and Chaffinch, for their ready contributions. Also we extend our hearty thanks to 1\1r.Charles Oorsucb for having so willingly aided us in our busi- ness department. And now the 1902 ALOIIA is all open book to the public. 13
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