Page 18 - YB1902
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dent of the school since its incorporation in 1898, and his work for and among the boys is perhaps the most congenial employment of his busy life. The mention of NIL Baker's name in connection with an v institution is an honor of which it may justly be proud, and Western !}'landhas been especially fortunate in having him for a number ofyears as one of its Board of Trustees, not 0111.'1 because of his ability and hearty interest in her suc- cess, but because of his material aid ill donating two of her handsomest buildings-Baker Chapel in 1895, and the President's residence in 1889. It is with a mixed feeling of gratitude and pleasure then that we, the graduating class of Wester-n Maryland, dedicate to so worthy a name our Annuals, and we do so trusting that to a fruitful past of three score years there may be added many more equally successful. 12
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