Page 17 - YB1902
P. 17
ILLlA:'I1 GIDEO:'\ BAl"'::ER was born March 1, lR4-2, at Buckcys, town, Frederick Co., ;\Io.ryland. He wns educated in the public schools and at Calvert College, Xew Windsor. Xld. After finishing his collegiate course he at once entered upon a business career, and a few years later became a partner with his father in the firm of Daniel Baker & Son, which finn is still in existence. They were engaged in tan- ning and other lines of business. On October 29,1867, :'111'. Bakerwas married to Xliss S. Ella Jones, of Frederick County, Mel. Xlr. Baker has always been regarded as one of the brightest business men in the State, his experience being var-ied and successful, both in public and private lines. He was' one of the original men to become interested in starting the Montgomery National Bank, at Rockville, Md.: the People's xational Bank, of Leesburg, Va., find thc Citizens' National Bank, of Frederick, Md., of which last institution he is vice-president. He is also largely interested in and devotes much time to the Standard Lime and Stone Co., doing business 311<1 operating large plants in several States, and is likewise owner nncl overseer of extensive landed estates. :'IlL Baker is a director in man)' corporations and institut.ions, among which arc Western Xl arylanrl College and the Deaf and Dumb Institute at Frederick, Md. lie is a man of genial disposition, domestic in his tastes, and can usuallv be found in the home circle after the duties of the rlnv arc over. Il~ is 811 active member of the l\lcthodist Protestant church at Buckeys- town, and a generous contributor in a quiet way to mally charitable societies. The institution in which he takes the greatest interest is the Bucking- ham Industrial School 10]' Boys at Buckeystown, Xld. He has been presi- 11
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