Page 181 - YB1902
P. 181
"Crial. " " " faculty ee, Student. The time is Priday. The place, Western Maryland College. The scene, a tr-ial in the celebrated moot-court in the Paculty room. TSIDE the building all is quiet, but within there is confusion and dismay. The students are alarmed, ancl L a stranger to the town, ask one of the boys why the faces of all are so religiously grave. I am told that one of the boys-more unfortunate, but no worse than the others, has fallen into snares, that ye august faculty is examining his case, and that if the charges are sustained the verdict will result in the expulsion or suspension of many more. The meaning of all this serenity is now clear. Just then a peculiar personage appeared in the hall yelling in broken dialed, "oyez! court is in session." Not knowing that this sum- mons was addressed to the faculty members, but curious to know what it all meant, I followed him and entered the court room unnoticed. 1 sat clown in a corner. Neal' me I saw a large book on which was printed ill bright letters-College Records-Libel' TV. In the quietness of the hour I glanced through its pages; suddenly r came upon this heading- OHicersComposing Faculty Court-1901-1902. 1 run down the page and find: Judge, 'rHOS. HAMILTO;': L£\\,IS. Clerk., · \V"'J. RonEHTS McDANIEL. Prosecuting Attorney, ROLAND VVA1'l'S. Attorney [orDefense, · CEO. WASHINGTON'VAR!). su-)«, · CEO. STOCKTON WLLLS. Members or Jury: JAS. W. REESE (Foreman), Cr"TAs. J. MOORE, GEO. B. HUSSEY, LEO" SAMPALX, CBAS. A. Hocrox, Crier of Court: FERDINAND BONNOT'rE. 159
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