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continuous. What an enviable fate! To shine so brig-htly in the Queen City." "There is a certain class of people in this world who seem never to be able to tell the exact truth, not even if their lives depend upon it. Anna Mdl'iurran is one of that class. She has never married, and is now living in "Cawdonsville.' where attain the remarkable size of two feet. She owns a very grove of ten bushels of lemons every year. any lemons. She is such a thorough olcl maid live with her. Her only companions are twenty-seven cats." To think that ';Mac" should be an old maid! How we girls used to envy her because she had more" strikes" than anyone else in the class. U\,Vhile at school Carrie Frances Glad- hill was noted for her kindness of heart and her love of caring for the sick and afflicted. Everybody imposed upon her good nature, and poor 'Tam' was always trotting- round the halls some invalid classmate. Now her even more taken up with these duties. At. present she is head nurse at Johns Hopkins Hospital. She is much be- loved by everybody and her cheerful counte- nance is tile most welcomed in all the wards. It has been hinted at that she will leave the hospital some but it is not probable. She is still wavering her decision as to whether she shall take' Jim' or 'Ernest. It is to be hoped that she will not disappoint. both poor fellows and that she will soon show her good common sense by choosing one or the other. ,. H\Nay clown on the 'Eastern shore,' almost at the end of nowhere, is Harry Clarke. He is teaching, more correctly speaking, is making desper- ate efforts to teach, French German in the University of Pocomoke. He is not very successful. poor man! Perhaps he would be more so if he were not so bashful and so easily 'rattled,' and if his pupils were not so prone to notice his mistakes. Besides, in one of his classes, there is a channing -+ 72 +-
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