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lecturer. The gods themselves know not such eloquence. Perhaps you remember the soul-stirring manner in which she used to deliver her essays." Perhaps I remembered! Was anyone likely ever to forget after having once heard her! "George Myers always impressed his classmates, and in fact all who came in contact with him, as one who would make his mark in the world. There were, a few malicious minded people who unjustly conceited. He started out in life the fixed a lawyer. He has met with success which exceeds even his own expectations, for to-day he is a profoundly learned judge and occupies a seat on the bench of the Supreme Court of the United States." And then I wondered what the girls would think if they knew that "The Great I Am" had risen to such a height. "J\'label Blanche Harris completed her course in music at the Boston Conservatory three years ago. She is a of great ability and skill. There is an inexpressable her playing that has wall renown for her both in America and in Europe. Success has not turned her head, and in spite of all her glory she is still the same quiet, modest little woman as when Vallknew her." .. Dr. Martland has met with more success. He is the only doctor in the class who is worth mentioning. His degree came from the Columbia University, and he has quite an extensive practice in New York City as an eye and throat specialist. It was truly remarkable how Fifth Avenue were suddenly afAicted with their eyes Martland his office. His violin is never far from him, when his patients worry him almost to deatb with ills he takes down his violin and plays sweet. sad airs to them until get they ever imagined they were ill. It is my private opinion that it not the eyes, but the heart that is affected most often. For let me tell you, Harrison is not such a bashful chap as he used to be."
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