Page 81 - YB1901
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did know that "Shammy" was not half as bashful as he would have people to believe. "The gentle manner and unexcitable disposition of Bessie Armacost admirably fitted her to become a Red Cross nurse. At present she is in the hospital of -- in Russia. The wards are filled with rows of white cots upon which wounded soldiers lie. She moves up and down among the sufferers, stooping now and then to a fevered brow with her gentle touch, and the weary faces all turn toward her like flowers toward the sun." As the old man spoke of this noble work of love and mercy a picture flashed through my mind-a picture of "Becky" "cake-walking" up and down my room at school with the pickle bottle full of water over her shoulder. The water got spilled by "accident." "The large lecture room in the University of Berlin is crowded with students and professors, all listening at- tentively to a tall-grave man who is ex- plaining the method of solving some very difficult problems. It Clinton Bixler, professor of at the Columbia University. He got his degree Hopkins and has been at the two years. He is considered the best mathematician in the United States. All Germany is wild over him. He is lecturing in Europe for this summeronly. In the fall he will return to New York and continue his wor-k." Presently the old man went on: "Maybe you would like to hear about IIh. Neff, since you two always got along so well together. Before the elec- tion of last fall, while 1'1'[r. Neff was campaigning in Cumberland, the Queen City of Maryland, the citizens suddenly realized what a vast amount of gas was going to waste, and that it might be utilized for lighting the city, and at the same time fearing that unless it was the gas might settle over the city and poison them. And so tile), hit upon a plan to set the wheels in his head in motion. and since the wheels have been started the tlow of gas has been
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