Page 28 - YB1901
P. 28
In 1886 the declining years of Dr. Ward made it necessary for him to re- sign his position. His son-in-law. Dr. Thomas H, succeeded him. When Dr. Lewis assumed the duties of his responsible the college hindered by a debt unpaid. first efforts to discharge this debt. By his rare business ability, added to his other high intellectual he accomplished his purpose in three short Before the close of the last cent of the debt was paid, and the emerged from the doom that for a time hac! been hovering- over it. Since then it has rapidly advanced in a successful career. No more suitable place for such an institution could be found .in this part of the country than the position now occupied by Western Maryland College. From the summit of Parr's Ridge, on which the college stands. there is presented to the eye a scene of rare beauty and picturesque loveliness. The situation is also surrounded by healthy invigorating atmosphere. The college occupying a position near the Western Maryland
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