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ha.mmeri ng the line at every rush. Finally the heavy weights became some- what winded, bot still slowly made their cains. At last the ball was on our five-yard line. ., Fellows, we must hold them-play lower yet," called out Dashiell, still confident in his men. \Ve were now on the under the shadow of the goal-posts. We had the advantage of was still active, while that of the Faculty was growing weary. "Guards back," again called" Doc." In two rushes they advanced the ball three yards. "Now, my men, only one more and we have scored." But there were eleven determined men to be ploughed through. It was, indeed, the last charge of the" Old Guards;" and when at last the dust had cleared away and that mingled mass of heads, limbs and trunks was separated, a beautiful little ten- inch expanse lay between the leather and the goal-line. "Up and at them, boys," shouted" Dash," in his ringing, cheering tones. Never did an eleven more quickly and nobly respond. Our tackle plays were quite a surprise. " Cato" ran over" Pig." who grunted out that it was disrespectful, but the referee not notice it, and" Molly" trotted beautifully down the field. Twenty yards now separated the ball from our goal-posts. Then we tried the weakening line. "Frankie" sent" Bull-dog" sprawling, and we were now on our thirty-five yard line. The quarter-back kick worked like a charm-we had reached the center of the field. The next time Holt dropped back and sent the ball Hying down the field "Roger" grabbed at it, but it bounded away and the next moment "Harry" lay upon the with the ball resting securely beneath his breast. The Faculty that it had met a crisis and bravely did their best. 'vVe were forced to "buck" the line, but it was no longer impregnable. Our gains were slow, but steady. We were now three yards from the goal It was the second down. The Faculty's line was playing so low that we could not hope to go through it, but seemed unconscious of another danger. The ball was snapped. A moment Agui- naldo leaped with the ball into mid-air and landed safel v all the other side of the goal-line, before he could be tackled, five seconds before time was up. The game was won. Still not a yell, not a cry of victory, went up from our eleven-we were too tired, too happy, But our girls did the shouting for us. We listened to their plaudits, basked in their smiles, marched back to college amid their cheers and songs of triumphs. Most gloriously had we won a long and hard- fought battle; but we didn't ask for "Parlor" that night-we knew better than that. SUMMAj,y OF THE G.-n,IE. Score-6 to O. Time-Thirty-five minute halves. Touch-dawn-Cobey. Goal-Holt.
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