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college, we regretted to put them to so much trouble-but we have learned since then that they willingly do the favor. But the change of the custom this year, which gave us three orations instead of one, no less brought with it a feeling of sadness to all the Juniors. But the change had this one good effect,it gave us the power of criticising-magazines, of COurse. But after adjusting ourselves to such changes, and making the best of our situation, we worked steadily on to the completion of another and our third year at of scholarship and collegiate at- j college. Senior. Yes, we are now Senior'S. That goal which had for a seemingly long time stood before us in its stateliness and attracti\'eness has now been reached. Vlfcnow look back upon our other years as stepping-stones to this higher plane tainments. Bright, indeed, had " always been our bopes when " directed to the position of ... Seniors, and now that they are ..' realized we arc happy indeed. ' And we are Seniors in all the word implies; hence to say we are dignified is quite super. _.:-- '.. -:;ii!..._ fiuous, for that is implied in the 4!...:.. .Q •..@._ -:t-/= very word. The word, of 71. &~p'''~/~ course, means those who stand ".,~·,,,,<,.,~::!.-:~''-'"r,.. o; "between the Faculty and stu- ~""~~."'"o, ,.-,,~~... p·"o. dents "e-we don'r know whether W~'IT !h'~S! that means to protect the students from the attacks of the Faculty or vice versn ; more than likely vice versa. This of itself is sufficient to make one dignified; but besides this, when we returned this year, we were attracted by the sight +59·:-
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