Page 74 - YB1900
P. 74
Statistics (JSops). Weight. -5:::::1:t:1/[ Nallie. Height. Age, Society Course, Favorite Study. ~~il~~;. Profession. Baker. 59 ,65 0·5 'Webster. Clas~!cal Rook-keeping. Strap. Mill,i,stry. Harker. 6 '7 155 Irving Anglo_Saxon. Jets. Lawson. S·TI '40 0·5 webster. Government Tel Teach!ng. Marine. 57 '9 '46 0.25 NOlle Philosophy. For. MediCine. lUilIer. 55 t "7 rr~\"g Elocution. Bantle. Business. Price. 6 '50 0·5 Allylhing Bush. l'IIillistry. Sartorius. 5.8 " a r 135 Scic?,tific. Philosophy. "Sorry." Stauffer. 5·9 ,65 0·7 0·9 We~;~ter. None. Bldf. Me(;!cine. Stowe. S·T! '50 0·7 Classical Philosophy. Dup Teaching. Thomas. 5.6 '0 '4S 0·3 Historical History. Brad. L~w. Turpin. 6., '9 150 0.' Scientific. Book News Redg. Wells. 57 '37 Che111istry. Dutch Business Yingling. 56 '9 "5 Classical. 11'IIathematics. Ching. llfa'/l1/!!'YO/ 1\'alll&, Favorite SOl/go. Orcracteristic, Pastime. fdeao/ BLiss. Smilillg Baker. Mamie. Borrowing. Admiring" him- Leading the proces- Harker. The Girl 1 r.ere Si'l.eof feet. Wrili,~l~~ttcrs. ~il~~i:~~~,;:~al~~~s Behind. baud Lawson. Oblique. Sweet .Marie. Going to Poco- moke. Marine. Hoi Beast. Backwards Cracker_jack. III iller By Gosh. Dou'Lsmile. Price. Twisted nation. General Sartorius. Daeg gone. Howling. Sweet Bessie the Maid of Dundee. . Stauffer. I'll be durned . Sly. Prefers drum Stowe, Hcc. Perpetual. I Auyt'illt,\S~C~lassi_ Thomas 811a!;" Snicker I As~;~~rc. Turpin. D-it. RlUShinglY.! The Old Oaken Changing gating. Bucket aroulld. Wells. Like the d-l. Qut loml. Anything Holding-doors Gllyi"g To weigh 150 lbs. open. "TlIrp." Yitlgling. Oh, thunder! Any old way. Oh, Promise Me! Has no time .. Numbering letters
   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79