Page 74 - YB1900
P. 74
Statistics (JSops). Weight. -5:::::1:t:1/[ Nallie. Height. Age, Society Course, Favorite Study. ~~il~~;. Profession. Baker. 59 ,65 0·5 'Webster. Clas~!cal Rook-keeping. Strap. Mill,i,stry. Harker. 6 '7 155 Irving Anglo_Saxon. Jets. Lawson. S·TI '40 0·5 webster. Government Tel Teach!ng. Marine. 57 '9 '46 0.25 NOlle Philosophy. For. MediCine. lUilIer. 55 t "7 rr~\"g Elocution. Bantle. Business. Price. 6 '50 0·5 Allylhing Bush. l'IIillistry. Sartorius. 5.8 " a r 135 Scic?,tific. Philosophy. "Sorry." Stauffer. 5·9 ,65 0·7 0·9 We~;~ter. None. Bldf. Me(;!cine. Stowe. S·T! '50 0·7 Classical Philosophy. Dup Teaching. Thomas. 5.6 '0 '4S 0·3 Historical History. Brad. L~w. Turpin. 6., '9 150 0.' Scientific. Book News Redg. Wells. 57 '37 Che111istry. Dutch Business Yingling. 56 '9 "5 Classical. 11'IIathematics. Ching. llfa'/l1/!!'YO/ 1\'alll&, Favorite SOl/go. Orcracteristic, Pastime. fdeao/ BLiss. Smilillg Baker. Mamie. Borrowing. Admiring" him- Leading the proces- Harker. The Girl 1 r.ere Si'l.eof feet. Wrili,~l~~ttcrs. ~il~~i:~~~,;:~al~~~s Behind. baud Lawson. Oblique. Sweet .Marie. Going to Poco- moke. Marine. Hoi Beast. Backwards Cracker_jack. III iller By Gosh. Dou'Lsmile. Price. Twisted nation. General Sartorius. Daeg gone. Howling. Sweet Bessie the Maid of Dundee. . Stauffer. I'll be durned . Sly. Prefers drum Stowe, Hcc. Perpetual. I Auyt'illt,\S~C~lassi_ Thomas 811a!;" Snicker I As~;~~rc. Turpin. D-it. RlUShinglY.! The Old Oaken Changing gating. Bucket aroulld. Wells. Like the d-l. Qut loml. Anything Holding-doors Gllyi"g To weigh 150 lbs. open. "TlIrp." Yitlgling. Oh, thunder! Any old way. Oh, Promise Me! Has no time .. Numbering letters