Page 65 - YB1900
P. 65
Thus can be seen the caution that is necessary to get per- Sons with proper qualifications. But these, we are glad to say, could be found in our midst; . and with them the class began its course of progress, and has since continued to march on in the path of success and promi, nence-on the demerit:book. We had now become a well organ, izcd body with a common feeling of loyalty and a deep sense of respect for the honor of that body, but there was still an UI1- dercurrent of fun running with I "";~$THo..,q~ tr:vi ..." I..n ~o ~ rapid speed and adding its gentle influence to the whole mass. i.. "Il'Io",'T~ 10 51:. \011.5 Perhaps the fun of this year was of a little less innocent character than that of the year be- fore, but it is only natural for persons of broader knowledge and wider experience to make more daring enterprises and exploits. This is manifestly the reason for so bold an adventure as a raid on the pantry. The spice that came from the idea of performing an act for which there was a great penalty more than compensated for the cool reception the boys expected to receive in the pantry. But, alas! they didn't find it so cool after all, for no sooner had they begun to prune themselves, and to "cabbage" on the dishes, and "hog" on the bread, than someĀ· one appeared to make it warm for them indeed. A dash out the window was made, then a race of the fiercest kind occurred. But the few Sophs. who had once prided themselves on their superior ability in running now found that there was one on "the hill" who broke their record-and their backs, too, almost- i. c., a professor. -fo 55 -1-
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