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among the Freshmen! That band who was once con- sidered so "green" was now changed to a doleful white-at least supposed to be white. And now what a ghastly look- ing crowd it is. They march along as frightful spectres in the calm, still night. The dull light from the waning moon adds a deathly appearance to their slowly moving forms. But they move but a little distance, for soon excitement is raised; the campus is filled with ghost seekers, i. e.," Profs." Tn their excited frenzy the objects throw off their ghastly habiliment and immediately assume the form of mortals, and begin their flight. But the band of "Profs." is too large, and the POOl' boys are overcome and taken to their r00111S, but blessed with the promise of at least fifty de- merits for their clever thought and subtle attempt at a S. T. Parade. The history of our first veer at eoJlege thus closes. $opbol11ore. \Ve are now Sophomores. That Freshman verdaucy and pleasure-loving spirit has now softened into more ex- perienced manhood and serious inclination. We had heard of " silly Sopbs.," but we know that term didn't apply to us, for we knew that we knew. Hence all Our efforts were directed to gaining and maintaining that confidence and trust which is usually placed ill Sophomores. This was the year in which we became a strong and permanently organized body, with a president as a head and such other officers as -+ 53.;-.
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