Page 22 - YB1900
P. 22
NOT E.-We arc very glad the opportunity is ours to be the first to present to the Alumni and friends of the Collegegen- erally, a picture of the very life.Iikebust of President Lewis, which was made and presented to the Alumni Association at its annual meeting last Jime by one of its own number. It is the wor-k and gift of Miss Grace Lee Rinehart, who en- tered Western Maryland College in September, 1892, and graduated in June, 1895. During her three years at college she was an enthusiastic student ill the art classes, which were at that time taught by her sister, Miss S. Olivia Rine- hart, herself an artist of pronounced talent. Tbe training here received in the use of the pencil and the brush formed a good foundation for the study of sculpture, which Miss Grace had already determined to take up as her life-work. PI'Of. Otto Fuchs, Principal of the Schools of Art and Design of the Maryland Institute, speaks of her in a letter as fol- lows: '
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