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distinguished body, and by the paper which, as president, he read at the meeting held in the summer of 1899. In fact, as a speaker or lecturer, Dr. Hering is always clear, forcible, and interesting, and eveu among professional orators there are few who can equal his ability in gaining and holding the attention of an audience. Save lor the sorrows incident to humanity, Dr. Hering's domestic life has been a singularly happy one. Tn October, 1855, he married Miss Margaret Henrietta Trumbo, of westminster. By this marriage he had four children, two sons and two daughters \\'110are all living, married and prosperous. His wife dying in 1883, he remained a widower until 188S, when he married the lady who now presides with such gracious dignity over his household-Miss Catha- rine E. Armacost, of Carroll county. Eminent as Dr. Hering's services have been to the county, the State, and the Church, it is because of his devotion to the welfare of ,Vestem Maryland College that this volume is dedicated to him as a mark of respect by the Class of 1900. Only those who from the beginning are acquainted with the inside history of the college and its early struggles for existence can appreciate what Dr. Hering has been to it and how much 0(" its success it owes to him. As one of the original trustees; as treasurer lor many years, and now ns chairman of the Board; as the adviser and friend of Presi- dent and Fuculty ; as the unselfish promoter of all the in- terests of the school, he has nobly earned the tribute which we now tender by the dedication of our Annals to his honored name. -:-11 -1-
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