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jfacult\,. REV. THOMAS J-IAl\1JLTO:-l Lewis, A. M., D. D., President, And Professor of Philosophy. MISS KATHEIHNE M. S;o.lJTH, A. M,, Prcceptress. RE\', JA~IES \NILLIAM REESE, A. [v!., I'H. D .. Professor of Ancient La17gllf:lg"CS(jnd Literature. \VILLlA;\! l~OHER'J'S McDANIEL, A. iVI., Secretary, And Professor of Mathematics and AstronOl7l_", REV. S. SU1PSON, A. M., PH. D., Professor or Chemistry and Geology. GEOI~GE WASHI1':G'J'ON WArW, A. iVI., PH. D., Professor of History lind Political Science. "WILLIAM MARSHALL BLt\CK, A. :'1'1., Dean, And Associate Professor of Latin and Greek. ROWLAND \-VA1'T5, A. IVI., Professor of Ptweics and Biology. FEHDlNANlJ BONNO'ITE, PH. D .• Professor of French and GerI11f111. M~IE. MAIHE BON:-'<01'TE, Assistant ;11 French, -;- 17 -!-
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