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Pro"b~cyOf £Iass Of '99. ITTING one evening by the water's edge I was drearily watching the waves as they quietly lapped the shore and as quietly flowed back again. The sun was slowly sinking beneath the western horizon, casting its beautiful reflection upon the placid water and tinging them with the bright red glow of the western sky. As I sat thus, dreaming not of the future and its hidden mysteries, but of the past, my thoughts carried me back to my childhood, to my chool days, and I fancied that I was once again a school girl-light-hearted and happy; that I was once again a student at 'Western Maryland. Western Mary- land! Ah! what memories these words brought to my mind! I thought of my four years at College, but most of all did my thoughts dwell upon my Senior Year. It seemed as if all the unpleasant things-the disappointment, the discouragement and worry-were forgotten, and there lingered in my mind only the pleasures and joys of my College life. Next I thought of Commence- ment Day, when we-the Class of '99-bade farewell to our Alma Mater. How well I remembered that day-much talked of and longed for! And how proud we were to be the first class to graduate in the new Alumni HaJl! From this I naturally began to think of my classmates, and a longing to know where they were and what they were doing possessed me. As I sat thus, thinking of them and carelessly kicking my heel against the sand, I was suddenly aroused from my reverie by a peculiar sensation which I experienced on burying my foot into 62
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