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Stanley entered the class in the Sophomore Year, and has distinguished him- self as a student. His favorite study is the dictionary. He has been known to sit for hours, seeking some new words with which to stagger his friends. There is usually a sigh of relief when he has finished speaking. He has taken great interest in athletics, and while not a participant in most games, he has been the chief instigator of a great many important movements. Athletics in general bear the marks of his influence and efforts and as a whole they are in a more flourishing condition than they have been for a long time. His popularity is acknowledgeCl. William Henry Thomas, otherwise and better known as Angel-face Willie, has for hIS home Buckeystown, Md. He entered the class in its infancy-Sub- Fresh Year-and has been a staunch member ever since. Angel-face is now twenty years old. Throughout these long years never once did Cupid succeed in piercing his mail-clad breast until the middle term of his Senior Year. It was then only by successive attacks that he succeeded in sending a shaft into his left side and in reaching his left ventricle. Since then that member has done over- much of work, and it is feared by Bill's classmates that he will not recover from the shock. He is exceedingly fickle though, and there is some comfort in the thought that this perhaps will alleviate the difficulty. Angel-face is quite a gunner, too. Last fall he went out several times. One day after tramping until he was so tired that he could hardly drag one foot after the other, he came in with nothing but a bird's leg for his game. He says he was too close on the bird, which, by the way, was flying-strange! Besides being a gunner, he is also an etymologist. His is the greatest insight for finding the derivation of words that has ever been at College-simply wonderful! He says the word "dog" is related to the word "cat," because the two animals are domestic . . His greatest pastime is tennis. As a player he ranks among the first of the Col- lege. He is decidedly popular in school, and to no one is the good fortune to have more staunch friends than there is to him. His eyes are green and his moustache pink. Alice Duncan Tredway is the daughter of a Methodist Protestant minister, and has accordingly for nineteen years had many homes and lived in many places. Her present home is in Bel Air. She is known among the girls by the name of "Shad." How she ever came to be called by that name is indeed a hard matter to say. It can hardly be because she resembles a shad in any way, for such is not the case, and it couldn't possibly be a corruption of one of her names, so we come to the conclusion that it must be the result of one of those jokes peculiar to girls and which girls alone are able to devise. A college directory is at all times desira- 58
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