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Bob's forte is that of a musician. He plays the mandolin and violin and undoubtedly has talent in that direction. In the orchestra he was leader and played first mandolin in the Mandolin Club. His understandings are without parallel. Mary Etta Watts entered College as a Freshman. She was born in Balti- more, and received her early education in that city. Being desirous of a fuller course she became a member of the class of '99 of this Institution, and now gradu- ates, being about twenty-one years old. She took a biology course this year and learned a great deal concerning the mechanism of a live body and the life produced by its activity. She was interested most especially in the dissecting. Since her study she has become more interested than ever in life, and is now resolving great thoughts of its wbyfores and wherefores in her mind. She is devoted to the study. Although Miss Watts is never ready when the time arrives to go somewhere, yet she is ever ready and willing to assist and help her friends. She has won many friends by her kindness. The last of the girls on the roll is Virgie Cooper Williams, of St. Michaels, Md. She graduates at the age of twenty-one or somewhere thereabouts. Throughout her College life she has been very timorous, and especially so when mice are anywhere in the vicinity. Then, too, she has to be on the alert lest some one should try to take advantage of her size. She has a very sympathetic heart. During our late war she used to devour newspapers to get the latest bit of news from our brave soldier boys-not from idle curiosity, but because she was anxious about their welfare. She would never give up an old friend for a new one. She is too true for that and firmly believes in sticking to the tried and trusted one. She has a decided preference for old friends. Like several of her classmates, sh- is rather slow in getting started, but when once in motion is hard to stop. She has been called a "watch charm" by some one by reason of her size. St. Michaels is a small town in Talbot County, and this is where William Nicholas Willis also comes from. Nick, as he is called, has had a somewhat varied career. The first important event that he remembers of happening to him was when he was a lad of but three summers "down on the farm." A gander chased him for three hours. When he was five years old he had a pet crow. This, by the way, has had an important bearing on his life, and has laid the foundation for his future career. At the age of seven Nick chased some young Muscovy ducks around the yard with a switch and killed them all. Here we see his viciousness first com- 60
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