Page 198 - YB1899
P. 198
By May J 3 the boys, who on April 22 had scored sixteen hits, had entirely forgotten the art of batting. But in its place they had acquired the art of grace- fully hitting at the wind three times without once touching the ball. This is usually a hard thing to do, but on that day ixteen W. M. C. men accomplished the feat and suffered defeat at the hands of Mr. Townsend, of Chestertown. The remaining members of the opposing team were not needed, except to bat, but for the first three innings they, too, did their part well. But after Baker went in to pitch they were powerless. At no time were we in danger of winning, as we only made one hit. The fielding of Marine at second was remarkable. Score: R. 1..:1. E. W. M. C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 4 W. C I 3 0 0 0 0-5 7 2 Batteries-Barnhart, Baker and Stauffer; Townsend and Marine. As this goes to press there r mains yet to be played two games, as follows: May 20, Mt. St. Mary's, at home. May 27, Galiaudet, in Washington. True we have been disappointed in our pennant hopes, but the difficulties under which Our team has played many of its hardest games must not be forgotten. The boys have played well and deserve praise for their efforts. Captain Baker has put forth earnest efforts in behalf of the team and besides this, though much hindered by illness, has played a hard game. We only lose one man off the team this year. Below will be found the averages of those players who have participated in four games or more. A.11. I R. H. I Av. P.O. A. E.' Av, POSITION. NA~lE. ----_._-_ .._------ -- --- ---- -- -- ---- RTAUPFEH, e .. .......... ........... , ........ 21 8 II .407 44 8 .981 DAKER. H. R. p ................... 24 6 .250 3 8 '1 .733 HENRY. Ib ....... , ............................ ,I 31 4 7 .22'2 fi5 4 2 .967 J.JEB, 2b ......................................... 20 4 6 .244 14 II 2 .!)26 MAHTNE. 2b and field ....... ................. 3:3 10 10 .303 14 ]2 3 .801 WHITAKEH, S. s...... · ........... ... 3'2 7 9 .275 16 19 .897 ROBEHTS, 3b ................. · ......... · ..... 30 5 10 .256 13 9 6 .786 _r.AMB~HSON, fleld ................ · ... ...... 21 3 2 .095 3 0 .700 STRAUGHN, field ......................... .. 30 10 .333 9 0 1.000 DASJlIELJJ. field .............................. 10 3 3 .300 0 0 0 .000 J1A[{NHART, p. and field ...................... 17 2 3 .177 2 2 .600 ---- 188
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