Page 195 - YB1899
P. 195
HE prospects for a winning baseball team were brighter at the opening of this season than they had been since '96. Three of our last year's team returned, and many promising players were found among the new students. As soon as the ever- changing weather of this locality permitted, the candidates for the first team began work in the field. Under the direction of Mr. Molesworth, whose services we were fortunate in procuring as coach, the team entered upon a regular system of training. The good results of having a coach were soon visible in the batting, fielding and scientific playing of the men. Another potent factor in the development of a good team this year was a strong second team. Contrary to past experience, we were enabled to secure a second team every .attemoon. Not only did this assist the first team, but it served to develop raw and inex- perienced material for future teams. The boys worked bard and played well together, so that when the season opened we bad a team equal to any in the State in fielding; fairly good in batting, and th ~ battery was strong. V.,ie were rather slow on the bases, and the lack of fleet runners was the cause of at least two games being lost. However, through- out the whole season, our team did not playa really bad game, for no more than eight runs were scored against us in any game. The team deserves much credit, as it was seriously handicapped by sickness of several players when their services' were most needed. The season opened April 8 in Alexandria, Va., with the Epis- copal High chool team. For the first six innings it appeared to be an easy vic- lR5
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