Page 203 - YB1899
P. 203
Da$k~t Dall. After an absence of several seasons from the list of sports in Our College, basket-ball reappeared this year. During the winter months, in which outdoor sport was impossible, all interest centered in this one game. It was played in the gymnasium eyery afternoon after the regular exerci es had clo ed, and very SOOI1 it was evident that there was excellent material for a team on the Hill. Class games were played and these aroused so much interest that an Interclass League was pr posed, Early in January this League was formed and, with the exception of the Senior, all the classes were represented. One game was played by each class with every other class, and the scores in these games were as follows: Sub-Freshmen, 14; Sophomores, 9. Sub-Freshmen, 8; Freshmen, 3, Freshmen, 5; Sophomores, 3. Juniors, 20; Sophomores, 6. Juniors, 6; Freshmen, o. Sub-Freshmen, 12; Juniors, 4. After the final game the Sub-Freshmen were declared the cham- pions of the chool. This team was composed of Roberts, Patterson, Wheeler, Mitten and Whitaker. These games aroused so much excitement that it W:lS thought advisable to choose a team to represent the College. Mr. Cobey was appointed manager and, though the season was far advanced, he succeeded in arranging two games. The first game was with the Baltimore City College. In this game' our boys were handicapped considerably, as it was their first game. But though they also had the umpire to play against, they acquitted themselves well and lost by only one point, the score being 9 to 10. Our second game was with the White Stars, of the Baltimore Y. M. C. A. This was an easy victory for W. 1\1. C. From the first toss of the ball the result was never in doubt. The final score was W. M. c., 24; White Stars, 4. The College team was composed of Roberts and Patterson, guards; Wheeler, center, and Wells and Marine (capt.), forward. Lack of experience did not prevent them from playing well together. With the material which we have on the Hill, there is every reason to believe that in another year we can have a very strong team to represent us, one that will compare favorably with the best teams in the State. 193
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