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" The hairs of thy head are all numbered." -DICKEY. "Uncertain, coy and hard to please and variable as the shade," --SUTTON. "How -much pain have cost her the evils that have never happened! " --WATTS "Ninety-nine got a good thing, when she got him," -DOUGJJAS. "But the stars, the soft stars; when they glitter above us, I gaze on their beams with a feeling divine." --DARRY. "It warms me, it charms me, To mention but her name, It heats me, it beats me, And sets me a' on flame." -OATON. "He was a man of unbounded stomach." -TAGG. " She speaks for herself." --S)IlTH. "The anointed sovereign of sighs and groans." -SOJJLIDA Y. " Landmarks in Oollege History." - BIWWN AND BUCKINGHAM. " My heart is as true as steel." -RIDGELY. "I would not boast, but people mnst know my worth." -HOBBS. "A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse." -TYSON. " Yonr wit makes wise things foolish." -HARTSELL. "None but himself could be his parallel." -DIXON. "What fools these mortals be." -OLASS OF '99. 143
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