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Cb~ Hull~tin Hoard. NOTICE. NOTICE. BOYS are required to tip their A BUSINESS meeting of the Athletic hats to all members of the Faculty. Association immediately after dinner. T. H. LI£WIS, Prest. For further information see small bills. semers, -== DES IRE D--__""" Please read every A POLICEMAN for the Library to prevent other book in the smiling and to see that lIO books are stolen. "WE 'J'EACI-IEHS.'" library. N. B.- I re-ge-ard the dictionaries as importan t. Want~(f PRO]:f. WILT.1S. NOTICE. A New VOice, Lessons given in for gracefulness and perfection. Our Vocal 'final .RnnQUnC~m~nt! M. B. COCHRAN. rnstructor. Notice to Latin Students. STUD "XTS. I E in t l-i e i_rn.perfect is vlvvl:tys long. UNCLE .TIMMfE. YVANTED In working OVer A Good Position as Reporter. some tests ill the PROF. PAT. chemical laboratory I discovered a new substance called Residue. FOR SALE!! PIWF. SUIPS0N. THE ALOHA. 144
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