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Cbt Young mtn's £bristian }fssociation. R M ONG the forces on College Hill that make for a nobler and more useful Men's of the Young life, the work Christian pre. stands Association Silently, eminent. and in our religious but positively, it makes itself felt, both in our social man who unites himself with us life. The young is brought into contact with all those forces that tend to uplift and to ennoble him. Although the extent of our influence in secular affairs cannot be measured, we know from experience that, spiritually, our College boys are kept alive by our work and meetings. Not only is the individual life quickened, but the ties of Christian brotherhood are best cultivated under the conditions we strive to foster. We aid each other in that we come together with common interests and common desires. That men need encouragement, not only in secular affairs, but in their spiritual life as well, is a truth recognized. by all association workers. And so, we endeavor to give just such spiritual help to each other as is most necessary to cheer us on in our College life. To come together as classmates and as friends, to discuss the Word of God in its bearing on College life, to bear with one another in the hour of trial, to bring back those who have strayed from the narrow path, are all sweet privileges sacred to the Christian worker. Vife help our poor and needy brothers by doing home mission work. The best way to be a Christian is to live like a Christian. And to live like a Christian means to do Christ-like things. The young men who serve on the several com- mittees that carry the Gospel to their fellow-men, experience a deep and last- ing joy in the knowledge that they are serving others. The poor, weary souls at the almshouse, and the repentant sinners at the jail, alike hunger and thirst for the Living Word. What a blessed privilege to bear the message of salvation, to comfort the faint-hearted, to sympathize with the afflicted! Are we not Christ-like when we forget ourselves and labor for others? The work of the Association during the past year, while not remarkable, has been very encouraging and fruitful. The committees have done faithful work. and the members as a body have stood nobly together. Special seasons of prayer and the systematic study of God's Word have been the source of much inspiration to us. Our week of prayer was a grand spiritual revival among the Christian boys, and was the beginning of a new life for a number of non-Christians. In State and in international work we have been well represented, and stand among the foremost as active and progressive workers. With the results of the past to encourage us. with the hope of the future to beckon us 011, and with the promise of Divine aid and guidance to cheer and to strengthen us, we are spiritually fired to press on in 0111' labors for Christian fellowship and for the Master's work, 103 "
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