Page 109 - YB1899
P. 109
Now we are Sophomores. The Freshman Year has passed into history, and we will always look back upon it with pleasure and pleasant memories of those earlier days at Oollege. The year has been beneficial to us. We are better men and women, and our ambitions are loftier and more hopeful. May each of the coming days find us still higher up on the ladder of aspirations and hopes until our course is finished. Then we will leave the classic halls of deal' old" Western Marylanu" with regret, but satisfied that we are the most successful class that has ever taken its A. B. from our Alma Mater. "Then here's to our boyhood; its gold and its gray; The snow of its winter, the dew of its May. And when we are done with our life-lasting toys, Dear Father, take care of thy children-the boys." 99
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