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----- ------- tb¢ ~oungWom¢n's £bristian' }fssocialion. }f MONG the many openin.;s which afford the student an opportunity fo: active work at College is the Y. W. C. A. This Association endeavors to promote the religious growth of the girls at College, and is entirely under their supervision. Their interest is enlisted as soon as they enter College. The attendance at the meetings, though voluntary, is always large. Very interesting and instructive programs are rendered weekly, and the work in no way interferes with the regular lessons. The help and inspiration received from these meetings is invaluable .. The past year has been one of the most successful in the annals of the Y. W. C. A. The girls, realizing the importance of having a more cheerful room in which to meet, resolved to make some improvements. Owing to the unusually large number of new students enrolled last fall, more seating capacity was necessary, so a large number of chairs was procured. For the windows, portieres were pur- chased, which helped wonderfully to brighten and beautify the room. Realizing that good music is one of the most interesting features in religious meetings, they also purchased new hymn books. These contain bright, cheerful songs, which are echoed and re-echoed in the halls long after the meetings are over. During the winter months the Y. W. C. A. conducted, in connection with its regular meetings, Bible classes, taught by the girls. Studies in the "Life of Jesus," by William H. Sallmon, were used, and found very interesting and helpful. The sunrise meetings, as well as the evening meet- ings held during the VI eek of Prayer, were well attended and were very bene- ficial. In every instance, when called upon for funds or personal work, the members have promptly responded, which has been very encouraging. The present outlook for the Association is good, and the work is one in which the interest should not be allowed to die out, but receive new life each year for the extension of Christ's kingdom. 105
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