Page 24 - YB1896
P. 24
vVe feel greatly encouraged to know that our financial prospects are favor, able, and we sincerely hope that the quality of the book may be of such a standard as will rellect credit upon the College, and as well upon those who have clone the work. It is the object and purpose of the book to gather into one collection all the interesting incidents of our school life, both serious and comic, and if pos- sible to readers a view of both sides of college life at Western Maryland. \,Ve indebted to all who have contributed to the success of the book, both valuable suggestions and articles: To Professor Simpson for hiography of Dr. Reese; to Professor Me Daniel for sketch of College; to Professor \Vard for sketch of Alumni Association; to Professor Black for sketch of musical organizations; to Miss Ferris for sketch of Y. VI. C. A., and to our fellow students who have contributed sketches of different classes and societies. '[0 these, and to all who have helped us in any way, we wish to express our deepest gratitude. Especially do we feci to those persons 11'110 have unconsciouslv posed as models for some our illustrations, and as characters for some our poetical creations. And while yOll may think some of them severe, COIl- sole yourself with the thought that .. there are others;". anel . we hope that no
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