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A much sadder duty claims our pen when we are called upon to record the death or anyone of our number, 1\1r. Edward S. Baile, 'So, died suddenly at his home in the early part of this with college interests. He attended present at the class May the blessings of a heavenly follow the bereaved State's Attorney J. Frank Harper, '90, should have been among those who have won places of public trust. Mr. Harper's energy and intelli- gence have already served Queen Anne's well. B. P. Crouse, '7,1, has served Carroll County most efficiently as Clerk of the Circuit Court. 'vV. E. Roop, '86, was last fall elected Surveror for the same This chronicle does not claim to be complete, but contains a few of Alumni news which we have been able to collect very \Ve wish that our information were 1110re complete, ill which case we certainly extend our account much beyond its present dimensions. By far the largest and most enthusiastic meeting ever held by the Alumni was that of last June, in honor of the twenty-fifth graduating class. But as a classified list of those present was published in the SOll'[l(Nlir J1I/Olllllly, and another list in the Octoher issue, it is deemed needless to insert it here. The regular annual business meeting of the Association, held on 'vVednes- day afternoon of Commencement week, was attended by nearly two hundred members. The following officers were elected: President, Prof. G. \Ill. Ward, '90; Vice-President for the Eastern Shore, Prof. H. G. Watson, '89; Vice- President for the Western Shore, l\'frs. Dr. E. B. Fcnby, of Baltimore; Secre- rotary, Miss Mollie Shriver, 'go; Treasurer, Prof. VV. R. McDaniel, 'So. Miss E. B. 'Murchison, '95, was selected to compose wor-ds and music for an Alumni song. Before the meeting adjourned $875 had been raised to be added to Alumni Hall fund, raising the total to $3,375. The Harris brothers, '74, gave each $250. We should have noted in another place the lecture of Mr. Samuel Harris before our students last winter. Mr. Harr-is is not only a very successful business man, but an excellent lecturer as well. The banquet which followed the business meeting was largely attended ~nd afforded the best of opportunities for renewing old acquaintances and Iorm- 1l1g new ones. \Vednesday of last Commencement was indeed Alumni Day, for the ban quer was followed by a mass-meeting in Smith Hall auditorium, which lasted to a late hour, and in which enthusiasm for the college was raised to the highest pitch.
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