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Sketcb of Browning Citerary Society. HV ITA Sine Litter-is "Mors Est" was the which thrilled the minds of the students of Western when, in 1867, they first formed a literary society. society was called and its roll contained the names of all the bOY's and girls then attendance at the college. One year later it was deemed best to form two societies, and so arose Since that time she has each year adding more mem- bers to roll, to love and cherish her as as she shall exist. Tn 1888 a kind friend of the college offered a prize, to be held for one year by that which should win the annual contest held during Commcnce- mcnt week. pr-ize has had the honor of five times. Browning is anxious that c xactives and friends visit her shall once more enjoy a meeting in her halls and sec that she is still in a state of prosperity. Looking toward this end, a special is held on Tuesday of Commencement week, when her exactives meet and their words of com- mendation cheer on those who are lahoring for the best of the society. The year just closed has been one of Our hall has been refur- nished to some and our library has greatly enlarged. On the aad day February, Irving and Browning united their efforts and held a joint anniversary, the programme of which appears in these pages~ Thus we hope to continue, ever with a true purpose and a high standard and surely success will crown our efforts. HISTOIUAN. '06
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