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recent book, "Robb's Island Wreck, and Other Stories," has attracted much attention and provoked no little favorable criticism. Prof. L. irving Pollitt, '&), who has been for several years vice-principal of Chamberlain-Hunt Academy, Port Gibson, branched out last winter .into He is now editor and half owner the Port Gibson RcucittĀ« P. Caton, and D. \'V. Lewis. now caution their friends to ad- dress them as They took degrees ill medicine at the Uni- versity of Maryland this year. III the same university Mr. H. E. Gilbert, '93, has completed the law course and taken his degree. He was admitted to the Haltimore bar. He takes his A. M. from Alma Mater in June. G. Walsche, took his degree in civil work was so that he was awarded a $300 and is now Pllsh~,~~ ;nRti~ht~::ls~I~~'h~:g~~:~~ pursuing a course in tlt Law school at Har- vard. We hear that he has clone excellent work. He docs not come up for degree till next year. Prof. H. G. Watson, '89, who was a member of the Facultv of Western College, for several years, entered Yale l~st fa11 for fUJ:ther study in culture and medicine. SOOIl after entrance he was appointed assist- in which position he has made himself an enviable Watson's figure adorns an in a recent Humber of '94, is also in having entered the Senior class last fall. number of Book a monthly by the Macmillan Co., appeared the following: "Amollg the hooks an- nounced by the Johns Hopkins Press is 'The History of Taxation in Con- necticut, [636-[776,' by F. R. Jones." Mr. Jones is now about completing his graduate work at Johns Hopkins, and will probably have taken the degree of Ph. D. before this appears in print. The book above referred to is his thesis, part of which was submitted to his Alma Mater for the degree of A.I\L Mr. Jones has written "The History of Taxation ill Connecticut" from the original sources in a style which does him great credit. But our Alumni are not provincial. They distingnish themselves in all directions. Among those who necessarily to ct-tin .. guishecl-c-rhcmsclves il) matrimony year are the following: \,y. R Mc Oaniel, 'So; Miss Sadie N. Abbott, '87: lHiss Fannie May Grove, '89; Miss 1'. E. Caulk, '91; Prof. L. Irving Pollitt, '89; Mr. G. T. Barwick, '91; 1'liss Grace Hering, '92; Mr. L. N. Whcalton, '92. The Alumni Association extends its best wishes to each and all. '
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