Page 131 - YB1893_Classical
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w. ~, C, IQdoor ~thletic Records, EVENT, WINNER. I CI,ASS. RECORD. I Push up all Parallel Bars H. 1\. GILBERT .. '93 IS times. Pull up ... W. A. WHEAI,TON ... , •. '93 27 times. High Kick., .. D. \V. LEWIS •.. '93 8 feet 7 inches. High vault. .. H. E GII,BERT ... , '93 6 feet a iucbe s. High Dive .. W. P.l'l'[u,l,s. , '93 6 feel 3 iuchc s. Running Higll Jump .. , C. H. BOWDl>N ... '9' 5 Ieet a inches. Ruuniug Broad Jump .. G. WA'l'SON '93 16 feet 3 tncues. Standing Broad jl1mp .... C. H. BOWDEN .. '9' 10 feet 0 inches, Three Standing llroad JUIllP~." ,V. P,l\'III,I,S '93 26 feet 3 iueucs. Other contests will be held in April and Juue. The contest all the St.h of April will consist of the following events : RUNNING HIGII JU~IP, RUNNING BROAD ]UM1'. RUNNING HIGH KICK, STANDI!'lG HIGH ]U~IP. SWINGING DIP, HIGH VAULT, THREE STANIJING BROAD JUMPS, The pr-izes offered fur this occasion will he a Gold Medal for the man scoring' the highest number of points and a Silver Medal to tlre one having the next highest number of pciuts LO his credit. Tile June contest will be held 011 the SatuJ".\ay illllllcdi~tely preceding COlllmcllcemeut week, aud will be given 011the athletic ficl(1
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