Page 128 - YB1893_Classical
P. 128
GLEE OLUB. HAT is a college without its necessary accompaniments and organizations? The old College Glee Club had disbanded on account of most of its mem- bers graduating from college. A few men in the year 1891, feeling the necessity of a glee club organized one which worried every inmate of the college, and even put a blush upon the cheek of our feline serenaders, who, by the way, SOOIl disappeared after our formation, and our club were monarchs of College Hill. After much toil and m auy disconraging remarks regarding OUf future, we suc- ceeded in organiaiug the voices and prepared to make our debut Our charter mem- b ars were us follows: \V. B. Judefi.nd, (scm.,) R. K. Lewis, (seui.}, A. L. Whealtoll. ('92); W. P. Caton, ('92); F. R. Jones, H. E. Nelson, ('93); T. P. Revelle, ('93); C. n. Strayer, ('93); Graham Watson, E. D. Stone, ('95') \Ve succeeded admirably well with our first appearance, and next year under- took a new venture. We proposed making a trip. However, we gave concerts only at a few places as we were, as are all beginners, doubtful of our undertaking; but we won the approval of all who heard us and felt fully repaid for cur exertion Since which time we have been active in every way possible to a college glee club; besides furnishing music at all meetings of the Y. 1\1. C. A. and participating in other concerts in addition to our OW11. We still retain five of our charter members; and though the graduation of '93 will deprive om club of quite a number, we predict a brilliant future for this youth- ful organization. \Vhile we are not world-renowned, yet we feel sure that the club which has upheld her Alma Mater and also won many outside friends nud is still prospering, will ill the future add another crown to those laurels already won, filling the hearts of her exactives with admiration, and ever be an 1101l0r to dear, old 'Western Maryland. 15°
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