Page 130 - YB1893_Classical
P. 130
First COQlest of the AtQletic Association, DECEMBER 10,1892. III EV1~"'T. \VINNElL I : I RECORDS. -P'-'~l-,,-q'-m-' [-,",~[=" "11 1-1. J-:. GlI.lJeR"l'... I '9' IS times. 1~V'~A;;~;;H:',~~.:',.',•••:;j 171l!"O:S. '7 times. ."'1 G. WATSO;-<.. .. '93 "'Running Hrond Jn1l1p.. H. E. Gll.BHRT.. I '93 D. W. LEWIS.. • :::: '93 g feet fr iucues High Dive. ...: ',~~ 5 Icct foiucbes. 1 '93 5 feet 6 iuclies. '93 8 feet 6 inches. High Kick .. '95 8 feet 0 inches. '93 7 feet 4 inches. Standing BrO<1.dJUlllp ... '93 9 feet S inches. 'l feel 6 inches '93 '93 q fect fi iuchcs '93 5 feel 2 ~1\ 0: h cs. '93 5 feel 0 .ncues. '93 5 re« 0 metres. '93 2itimcs. '93 19 times. '93 17timcs. '93 5 feet 10 inches. '93 5 feet 8 inches. '93 5 teet a iucbcs. - "'hl lliis c vcut there is only space enough for <1.,,0 foot stn et Snll\llIary of points won g..0A~~~~:~T .': .: .~: } First pr-ize, a Gold Medal D. W. I.EW[S 46-Second prize, a pail' of Ebouizcd Iudian Clubs. ·W. A. WH!tAI.TON .. '7. W. SgU,MAN ...
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