Page 13 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 13
T I believe • • • Cosmers pmsiollllu T!/-u!/-you-what-l-b~liro(-in~ Writ /rJ1J( (I photo too). cims, studrnts liste!lrd to txurpt! ofKroin of Lisa 8mlills EN/lOI (Editor's Note: On rh~fimdlly rant ill tlu movir Bull Duhrlllll (J 988). 7h~first aoss assigllmrnt was to crratr rheir oum I Bdiro~ stazemmn. Som( ofrh~ sruaents'stasemmts foliO/v. &nd in }flllY I Bdi("/i~ statrments tofrupmi@1IIcda,lid,.dll. I believe Chinese formne cookies should nOTcontain Brooklyn proverbs. I believe the hokey pokey is whar it's all about. l bellevc home is where you de your goat. 1believe nothing is impossible, JUSt abirunlikely. I believe that seven Is biblicalc rweury-rhreeis univer sal, lind ehe answer to the ultimate question is forry-rwo. I believe you can sometimes befriend a hated enemy. I believe in the no win scenario, and yer, at the same time, I believe there is a backdoor to anysiruation. DANE KOONTZ I bclleveln backyard foO!bnllg~mes.laughingourloudandexpres.lion through song. 1believe rhe hesr nnrural high is skipping school togo 5shingand work isnn ly to pay for your Fun. I believe in the mmil}' camping we"kc:'ndsnnd the hard work that farm lili: requires. Family il first and forcmcsr and friends arc'sokayrocolorateveryageandasi.srcr Is a best Friend rhar no one can take from you. I believe ln a jeep with rhe top down and rhe doors ofF 00 a cool August night. I believe in [he joy of your ream making it to the Super Bowl and then actually winning. Love is magic and rhe best rreasures in lile are lilt' sm~lI. simple ones that rnake you appreciare all rhar has been given to you. I bclieve rolive your life righr you must love yourseJfand accepr who you nrc. DEVON McANDREW I believe in raunchy comedians and procrasrinartng until the UTterfinai moment. Ibelieve in expanding one's mind, wasting hours of my life on video games, and work rhar makes your hands black as tar. I believe in rhe beauryofanakedwoman'sform,skinnydipping,ancithcbeauryoFnaruTe. I believe in spuneriug down the highway in a bright orange VW Beede [hat may break down at any moment and cao'r keep up with traffic GORDON LYONS I Believe... Society makes me believe in wealth. expensive cars. fame. repetition, and fortune. Failh rnak~s me believe in myself, in my loved ones, and most importJntl}' in God. Oppr~ion makes me belicv<,in the harred. the blood, the .mger. and the distrust. love makes 111" believe in endless kisses, endless companionship, endless chocolate, endless hugs. a family, endless cries, and even more kisses. Hope makes me believe in education. in opporrunlry, in reason. and in furure. I believe in rhe smell of th<::old Str~<::(.S,lhe gum ~elk'rs, tilt: crowdedness, tht: wxis, the cars, and the people. Ibeli<::vein rnebr
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