Page 11 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
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Cheese dub aims to spread the love, history of dairy CASEY CROUGH SttJlfReport.r Do you have a hunger for campus involvement, history, and cheesei If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the newest addition to TheMcDaniel community is the place for you: the Cheese Club. Founder and president, Ellen Tuesday Shank '12, firse sparked interest mer seeing a news Story in Middle School about a High School cheese dub that made national news, and saw that il was a grearsuccess. "People might like {his idea, not just me,~ supposed Shank. Again the idea blossomed when she was applying for col- lege, Several of her essay topics for her college applications dealtwirh rhe ropic of diversiry, Shank discovered. "I can bring diversity through cheese." The Cheese Club officially became recognized at the end of last semester, and is getting a great amount of sensation and interest. Before the College Acdvides Fair on Sept. 8, there were already 74 members on the Pacebook group. After the fair, 53 students expressed interest and signed up for more information. But, what could a club about cheese do for McDaniel College? "Personally I want to learn abcur the process of making them." said Shank. She also explained thar rhere is a lot more to cheese. There have been European countries with regional dis- putes that have been reAected in the taste and shape of certain cheeses, Shank commented. "There is history in the flavors and colors, it is an interest- ing way to look at the past," said Shank. So, why should students join? Enthusiastically Shank responds, "Because there's rheese!" Shank hopes that the dub will broaden students' perspec- tives by getting the opportunity to try different cheeses from other countries and to learn some of the history along the way. Currently, the club has a few outstanding and "cheesy" titles: Cheese Mistress, (President) Head Cheese, (Vice Presi- dent) and Asslsranr Big Cheese (Head of Public Relations). Shank reflects that there are still positions open and nick- names up for grabs. .... __ _...,.. _ thbUAh_d "VCo ......... s[i!lS()mechalJenges(obeF..~. "McDaniel needs (0 become a place where il iseasym have a food based club, and able 10 accept food 35 an academic thing_foodisareflectionofculrures,"saidShank. This dub is so new to the campus the SGA is creating an amendment for rhis organization. In addition to changing McDaniel'. mind, Shank says rhat she wants the cheese to be free, and formal meetings will no! be held until then. In addition to future meetings and consuming delec- table cheeses, [he club already has several events planed for the semester. Times and places are still [Q be announced, but the cheese dub is sure to impress with irs venues. In me very nearfumre, the club plans to hold a Cheese Ball, a fondue nighr, and have a competition involving Cheea- its and Cheese Nips. The Cheese Ballwill be held in me forum where a King and Ellen Shonk, left, ond Megon Robinson of the Cheese Club chow down on some string cheese. Queen Cheese will be crowned, me fondue night will basically be fondue pots, where students can come for a minimal fee, and New Groups and Presidents: • Phi Alpha Mu tsorority); Kolie Hecht the competition isstil! being decided. Re-activated Groups "There has been some debate about how (his will go," said • The Cheese Club; Ellen Shonk Shank. & of now, the competition will be whether Cheeaus • Sophisticated Ladies; Kwei Maduol-Parek or Cheese Nips are preferred, or how quickly someone can eat • McDaniel Mixed Martial Arts Club; David Van • ArtClub rwo boxes with no beverage. . • Chen Club The cheese club is sure to impress and expand McDamei • Sociol Work Action Team; Hannoh Elovich • The Spanish Club [El Club Espanol) srudenrs in a new way. If YOll would like more information, contact Ellen Shank at, or check OUt • Internotional Relations Club; Thomas Nelsen • Peace Club the group on Facebook. Cheese club may ga without A Visualization of Sophistication: BRENTON GREEN SlaffReporter The Sophisticated Ladies club hopes to bring growth to students J ELUS Dr. Deborah johnson-Ross, faculry advi- the local Boys and Girls Club or rhe Office This year the Cheese Club may have to operate Staff Reporter sor of rhe group, is very optimistic abour the of Multicultural Service at least one day per without ever eating any ches!e. The Studenl impact that "Sophisticated Ladies" will have week. Government Assembly recently ratified 0 on the McDaniel campus. "It will bring stu- When asked what she would personal- restructuNld constitution adding new laws and Upperclassmen: have you lost your way? dents together in a unified force and it will Iy like to see "Sophisticated Ladies" accom- altering others. One of the laws says that money Freshmen: haven't quite found your niche? If bring the: community together. It will make p1ish. Maduor-Parek responded, "To pro- cannot be allocated 10 sludent dubs for food. your answer 10 either or both of these ques- [ourselves] better in terms of skills [0 be pre- male uniry among college students, as well However this low dees nolloke into consideration tions is "yes," rhen maybeyoushouldconsid- pared (IS college students and [0 leave chis as diversity, academic achil'vement".to be- er joining ~Sophi5tica[ed Ladies." community," come more sophisticated". foad;;~~dd b~~:d ~I~~sa:ot~:;'~~b~~e C~~~ificantly The mission is to make students, espe- [fyou are lnreresred in becoming a rncrn- to the academic atmosphere 01 McDaniel because The idea for ~Sophisticated Ladies" came cially incoming freshmen, more well-round- ber of "Sophisticated Ladies" or have any food is a big part of culture" said sophom~re to sophomore Kwei MaduOl-Parek during I'd individuals by the time they depart from questions. please feel free to comaci President Megan Robinson, Publicity Officer and Ass.slol'Il this past summer and initially she received Rig Cheese of Ihe Cheese Club. The Cheese a lot of backlash from students who told her McDaniel College in rhe next four years. Kwei Maduor-Parek at ktm003@ll1cdaniel. Club pions to petition the Student Government ir was not going to happen due to people's Students will learn to broaden their horizons edu. Secretary Rita Kabasa at rkk002@mc- Anembly to add an amel'ldment that aHows ful'lds lack of commitment. However, Maduot- on field trips to Broadway, a faculty/student, or Treasurer Mus;)' Imakando at n 10 be allocated for food-bosed dubs. Parek has already proved her doubters wrong talem show, and an "African-theml'd fuh- Meetings are held "Radic;al changes have been mode to our with over 25 students showing intl'rest and ion show. Bur as the saying goes: "To whom evety other Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. in Gar- syslem of government here at Ihe we. she can only hopl' that the number continues much is given, much is required." Studems den Apanment Building 161, Apt. 201. move forword with our ratified S.G.A., onythlng to grow. One thing thar she does suess is the will learn to give to those less fortunate. Ai; is possible" said Mati Rurube, Vic&president of imponanceofsrudenrinvolvemenr,saying, an active membet of "Sophisticated Ladies," Infonnatioll in this article W4S also con- College Services. "One person can't make it happen." one must fulfill community service at either triburrd by Megan Robillso/l